
Dr. Stephen M. Sweid

"Million Ways to Fail and only a handful to succeed”: Many startup projects fail after three years because they do not have an innovative breakthrough strategy. The majority of people just want to get on with the strategy or start-up project, and do not spend more time and effort making the concept or strategy much more sophisticated before starting.

“I work with you towards greater sophistication, to achieve the WOW effect in your strategy formulation or even strategic direction. It is about the creation of an innovative quantum leap strategy, for your business or indeed for your new startup, all for the purpose of realizing your hidden and full potential, locally and globally. It is essentially about exploring the many possibilities, and generating new business ideas and more creative and promising solutions together with your strategy team. It is about creating a spaceship journey for your company rather than just a bike ride.”

I see my mission as coupling with you to find innovative breakthrough solutions, ideas and concepts for your products, start-up project, marketing, and strategy or business model.

I am a senior international freelance consultant, trainer and coach, with international consulting experience in excess of 25 years. I lived and worked in many countries, West and East. I am multicultural and multilingual. I am currently fluctuating as British citizen between Dubai and London, and am very familiar with the economic and social settings in both the UK and the UAE. “My core and passion are about quantum leap change, innovation and global dimension.

I deliver my services in English and Arabic through:

  1. Training
  2. Coaching
  3. Consulting (Can include strategic research)
  4. Online published guides (Highly specialized)

I publish regularly highly specialized and innovative business and management guides.

My clientele includes corporate entities, multinationals, SMEs, Start-ups, international donor organizations such as UN, EU, Public sector and government, NGOs, consulting and training organizers, and individuals.


Business Executive Interview with Dr.Stephen M. Sweid

A quantum leap strategy is about the WHY and not the what. It is all about sophistication and peak performance. It is NOT about the size of undertaking, but about a sophisticated success combination = Formula = Value proposition. It is about ideal coupling with future environments for best fit. It is about realizing your full potential. It is about making a strong impact on your environment, i.e. making a big difference.  You need the MAGIC to reach higher levels of breakthrough strategy, and the mindsets are the main ingredients of this magic.

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